Ferrell Moore received her Associate Degree of Nursing at Southwest Tennessee Community college and was licensed as a registered nurse in June of 2003 by the Tennessee Board of Nursing. She currently works at Baptist Memorial Healthcare Memphis where she has over 12 years of bedside nursing experience in the emergency department. Her professional interest focus on patient satisfaction, leadership, process improvement, education and her current projects include; developing curriculum to identify, assess & respond to elder abuse in the emergency department on behalf of the Plough Foundation and CREA organization, standardizing nursing/paramedic orientation & developing an innovative “team nursing” model for the emergency department at Baptist Memorial Healthcare Memphis. In addition, she is a charge & resource nurse of her unit, serves as Chair of the Professional Practice Council of her unit and was honored as one of Baptists’ top 100 nurses of Celebrate Nursing. Yet her most prized accomplishment is being a loving mother to her creative and gifted 15 year old son Christopher. Her future plans include continuing her education to obtain a Master’s Degree of Nursing with the goal of becoming a Certified Emergency Nurse Practitioner with a Holistic Concentration.