

Our Mission

“To improve the national response to elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation by gathering, housing, disseminating, and stimulating innovative, validated methods of practice, education, research, and policy.” 

Who We Are

The National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA) is a national resource center dedicated to the prevention of elder maltreatment. The NCEA was first established by the U.S. Administration on Aging (AoA) in 1988 as a demonstration project on abuse, neglect, and exploitation. Given permanent status in the 1992 amendments to Title II of the Older Americans Act, the NCEA provides professionals, policymakers, and the public information and resources on elder abuse prevention and response to help ensure that older adults age with dignity and respect, free from maltreatment. The NCEA is a managed by the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California (90-AB-0002) 

What is Elder Abuse?

Elder abuse is any intentional or negligent act by a caregiver or a trusted person that causes or creates a serious risk of harm to an older adult.




The NCEA Publications Library houses fact sheets, brochures, research briefs, policy updates, and more.
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The NCEA Blog is updated regularly with posts from contributing authors.
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The NCEA podcast delivers the latest in news, research, and policy to advance elder justice and promote aging with dignity and honor for all older people.
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Stay in Touch - ListServ & Newsletter

What is the NCEA Listserv?

The goal of the ElderAbuse listserv is to provide a forum for students and professionals who have a scholarly and/or professional interest in an area of elder mistreatment, neglect, and exploitation. Subscribers may either share or solicit pertinent news, events, and opportunities relevant to topic areas.


Subscription to the ElderAbuse listserv is restricted to the following list of individuals so that subscribers will have a secure environment for free and open discourse:

Adult protective services practitioners and administrators Aging services providers and administrators Doctoral candidates* Educators Fellows* Graduate students* Health professionals Interns* Judges Lawyers Law enforcement officers Prosecutors Policymakers Researchers

* Doctoral candidates, fellows, graduate students and interns who join the listserv, please take note that your subscriber settings have been modified to send all posts to the list owner for review and posting approval.

Code of Conduct

Appropriate professional etiquette in ElderAbuse listserv messages is expected of all subscribers who must adhere to the following rules and guidelines (items in quotations are from L-Soft international, Inc. February 24, 2006. List Owner’s Manual for LISTSERVE®, version 14.5):

Because the listserv is sponsored by the federal government, it cannot be used to lobby for or against legislation. Please contact the listserv manager if you are unsure whether a message you wish to post could be considered lobbying. The listserv may not be used to either advertise or make inquiries to professionals for internships and career opportunities. The listserv is not intended to be a source of training; however, questions about available training resources are appropriate for posting to the list. Please be clear and concise in messages, and limit messages to those which can reasonably be considered to add value to the discussion. Please keep in mind that the list is a “closed” list to subscribers only. Be mindful that sensitive information may be contained in messages and that it may not be appropriate to forward messages that contain identifiable information to people not subscribed to the Elder Abuse listserv. In addition, please remember that subscribers do have the ability to forward messages to people beyond the listserv, so exercise caution when sharing personally identifiable information. If someone has sent a private message to you, and not to the entire list, please do not post the private mail to the list. Discussions will often result in disagreements. Rebuttals to another person’s opinions or beliefs should always be made in a rational, logical and mature manner, whether they are made publicly or privately. Subscribers should refrain from abusive or derogatory language that might be considered questionable. Unsolicited advertising and chain letters  are generally contrary to appropriate use policies.

Please feel free to send feedback and suggestions, as well as questions or concerns, to the listserv managers.

How To Subscribe

To subscribe to the Listserv, please email us. Be sure to include your name, title, and email address in the email message. Important! Because membership to the Listserv is restricted, you must also provide the following information in the email message:

  • Your profession
  • Employer’s organizational name
  • City and state
  • A statement of your interest or expertise in elder abuse or adult protective services

Your information will be transmitted to the listserv manager for review. If the information is missing, the listserv manager will need to contact you, which will delay your subscription. Upon approval of your request, the listserv manager will add you to the listserv and you will receive a “Welcome” message indicating you have been added.

Please allow 5 business days for your information to be reviewed and added to the listserv. If you have not received an update on the status of your request to join the listserv within 5 business days, please email the listserv managers.

The semi-annual NCEA E-Newsletter includes information on new research, noteworthy news pieces, policy issues, and training opportunities. The E-Newsletter is open to anyone who is interested in elder abuse issues.

Subscribe to the NCEA E-Newsletter by filling out the form HERE. Be sure to include your email address, and your city and state in the message.

You can send us an email to unsubscribe at any time.NCEA Newsletter Archive