Bringing Advances in Elder Abuse Research Methodology and Theory to Evaluation of Interventions
Published: February 13, 2021 Researchers: Lachs, M., Mosqueda, L., Rosen, T., & Pillemer, K. (2021). Bringing Advances in Elder Abuse Research Methodology and Theory to Evaluation of Interventions. Abstract: The elder abuse field needs high-quality intervention research to assess the best strategies to combat the problem, but few such studies exist. Significant advances have been
Increased Financial Altruism is Associated with Alzheimer’s Disease Neurocognitive Profile in Older Adults
Published 2022 Authors: Gali H Weissberger 1, Anya Samek 2, Laura Mosqueda 3 4, Annie L Nguyen 3, Aaron C Lim 3, Laura Fenton 5, S Duke Han Background: Older age is associated with an increase in altruistic behaviors such as charitable giving. However, few studies have investigated the cognitive correlates of financial altruism in older adults. Objective: This study investigated the cognitive correlates of financial altruism measured using an
Neuropsychological profile associated with financial exploitation vulnerability in older adults without dementia
Published: 26 July 2024 Researchers: Aaron C. Lim, Gali H. Weissberger, Jenna Axelrod, Laura Mosqueda, Annie L. Nguyen, Laura Fenton, Daisy Noriega, Camille E. Erdman & S. Duke Han Abstract Objective: Reports of financial exploitation have steadily increased among older adults. Few studies have examined neuropsychological profiles for individuals vulnerable to financial exploitation, and existing studies have focused
Risk Factors for Elder Mistreatment Among Older Korean Americans
Published: 15 May 2024 Researchers: Park, J., Wilber, K., Wu, S., Aranda, M. P., Oh, H., & Jang, Y. (2024). Risk Factors for Elder Mistreatment Among Older Korean Americans. The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 00914150241253235. Abstract Using data from a sample of older Korean Americans (n = 2,150), we examined the prevalence and associated
Comprehensive Older Adult and Caregiver Help (COACH): A person-centered caregiver intervention prevents elder mistreatment
Published: 04 October 2023 Researchers: Zachary D. Gassoumis PhD, Julia M. Martinez PhD, Jeanine Yonashiro-Cho PhD, Laura Mosqueda MD, AGSF, Anthony Hou MD, S. Duke Han PhD, Bonnie Olsen PhD, Anat Louis PsyD, Marie-Therese Connolly JD, Kylie Meyer PhD, Kelly Marnfeldt MSG, Sheila A. Salinas Navarro MPA, Mengzhao Yan MA, Kathleen H. Wilber PhD Abstract: Background Elder
Elder abuse in the COVID-19 era based on calls to the National Center on Elder Abuse resource line
Published: August 20, 2022 Researchers: Gali H. Weissberger, Aaron C. Lim, Laura Mosqueda, Julie Schoen, Jenna Axelrod, Annie L. Nguyen, Kathleen H. Wilber, Richard S. Esquivel & S. Duke Han Abstract: Background The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated circumstances that place older adults at higher risk for abuse, neglect, and exploitation. Identifying characteristics of elder abuse during COVID-19
Functional Connectivity Correlates of Perceived Financial Exploitation in Older Adults
Published: November 12, 2020 Researchers: Gali H. Weissberger, Laura Mosqueda, Annie L. Nguyen, Jenna Axelrod, Caroline P. Nguyen, Patricia A. Boyle, Nathan Spreng, and S. Duke Han Abstract: Financial exploitation (FE) in old age is devastating and common; however, the neural correlates of FE are poorly understood. Previous studies of FE in older adults have implicated
Frailty and Perceived Financial Exploitation: Findings from the Finance, Cognition, and Health in Elders Study
Published: November 4, 2020 Authors: Jenna Axelrod, PhD, Laura Mosqueda, MD, Gali H. Weissberger, PhD, Annie L. Nguyen, PhD, Patricia A. Boyle, PhD, Emanuil Parunakian, BS, S. Duke Han, PhD Abstract: Many older adults who are cognitively intact experience financial exploitation (FE), and the reasons for this are poorly understood. Methods: Data were gathered from 37 older
Elder abuse multidisciplinary teams and networks: Understanding national intervention approaches
Published: November 2, 2018 Authors: Galdamez, G., Avent, E., Rowan, J., Wilber, K. H., Mosqueda, L., Olsen, B., & Gassoumis, Z. D Abstract: Multidisciplinary teams are a cornerstone intervention in the elder abuse field, but the prevalence and effectiveness of different MDT models in the U.S remains unknown. In this study, we surveyed 508 elder abuse-related professionals across
Person-centric care of elder mistreatment: Lessons learned from a service advocate
Published: November 11, 2018 Authors: J Rowan, Z Gassoumis, D Homeier, L Rath, K Wilber Abstract: Elder mistreatment has enormous costs to victims and society, yet little is known about strategies to effectively prevent and mitigate the effects. Maintenance of decision-making for older people is beneficial for psychological well-being, physical health, and reduced mortality. As such, person-centered approaches are associated
Developing the Geriatric Injury Documentation Tool (Geri-IDT) to Improve Documentation of Physical Findings in Injured Older Adults.
Published: February 13, 2019 Authors: Kogan AC, Rosen T, Navarro A, Homeier D, Chennapan K, Mosqueda L. BACKGROUND: Standardization in tools and documentation of child abuse and intimate partner violence have proven helpful in completely documenting injuries and suspected abuse among these populations. Similar tools do not yet exist for older adults and elder abuse. OBJECTIVE: To (1) use insights from
Measuring the quality of care provided to community dwelling vulnerable elders dually enrolled in Medicare and Medicaid.
Published: October 10, 2007 Authors: Zingmond DS, Wilber KH, Maclean CH, Wenger NS. Context Small studies suggest that the quality of healthcare provided to older patients needs improvement. However, measuring the quality of care for larger groups of older adults is difficult. Objective To measure the quality of care in a community-dwelling vulnerable geriatric population using
Association of claims-based quality of care measures with outcomes among community-dwelling vulnerable elders.
Published: June 6, 2011 Authors: Zingmond DS, Ettner SL, Wilber KH, Wenger NS. Background Few studies examine the link between measured process of care and outcome. Objective To evaluate the relationship of claims-based assessment of process of care to subsequent function and survival. Research Design Retrospective cohort study using claims from 1999 to assess performance on
Developing an undue influence screening tool for Adult Protective Services.
Published: March 2017 Authors: Quinn MJ, Nerenberg L, Navarro AE, Wilber KH. Abstract: The study purpose was to develop and pilot an undue influence screening tool for California’s Adult Protective Services (APS) personnel based on the definition of undue influence enacted into California law January 1, 2014. Methods included four focus groups with APS providers (n
Research protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis of elder abuse prevalence studies.
Published: June 2, 2017 Authors: Yon Y, Mikton C, Gassoumis ZD, Wilber KH Abstract: Elder abuse is an important public health and human rights issue, yet its true extent is not well understood. To address this, we will conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis of elder abuse prevalence studies from around the world. This protocol describes
Is this broken bone because of abuse? Characteristic and comorbid diagnoses on older adults with fractures.
Authors Gironda MW, Nguyen AL, Mosqueda L. Objectives To examine the relationship between individual characteristics and potential correlates of elder abuse in older adults who present with fractures. Design Cross-sectional analysis of deidentified data extracted from medical records. Setting Academic medical center. Participants Individuals aged 65 and with a primary diagnosis of any fracture admitted
The effectiveness of educational programs to improve recognition and reporting of elder abuse and neglect: A systematic review of the literature. Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect.
Authors Alt KL, Nguyen AL, Meurer, LN. Abstract Health professionals often lack adequate protocols or knowledge to detect, manage, and prevent elder maltreatment. This systematic review describes and evaluates existing literature on the effectiveness of educational interventions to improve health professionals’ recognition and reporting of elder abuse and neglect. Fourteen articles described 22 programs ranging
Aging: physiology, disease, and abuse.
Authors Homeier D. Abstract There are physiologic changes associated with aging. There are also medical conditions that occur more commonly with advancing age. These changes and conditions increase an older adult’s vulnerability to and injuries from abuse or neglect. An older adult may have more difficulty recovering from an abuse incident. The investigation of abuse
Community discharge of nursing home residents: the role of facility characteristics.
Authors Holup AA, Gassoumis Z, Wilber KH, Hyer K. Objective Using a socio-ecological model, this study examines the influence of facility characteristics on the transition of nursing home residents to the community after a short stay (within 90 days of admission) or long stay (365 days of admission) across states with different long-term services and supports
Elder abuse prevalence in community settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Authors Yon Y, Mikton CR, Gassoumis Z, Wilber KH Background Elder abuse is recognised worldwide as a serious problem, yet quantitative syntheses of prevalence studies are rare. We aimed to quantify and understand prevalence variation at the global and regional levels. Methods For this systematic review and meta-analysis, we searched 14 databases, including PubMed, PsycINFO, CINAHL,
Using Latent Class Analysis to Identify Profiles of Elder Abuse Perpetrators.
Authors DeLiema M, Yonashiro-Cho J, Gassoumis ZD, Yon Y, Conrad KJ. Objectives Research suggests that abuser risk factors differ across elder mistreatment types, but abuse interventions are not individualized. To move away from assumptions of perpetrator homogeneity and to inform intervention approaches, this study classifies abusers into subtypes according to their behavior profiles. Method Data
The Abuse Intervention Model: A Pragmatic Approach to Intervention for Elder Mistreatment.
Authors Mosqueda L, Burnight K, Gironda MW, Moore AA, Robinson J, Olsen B. Abstract Ten percent of older adults experience elder mistreatment, and it is much more common in older adults with dementia. It is associated with higher rates of psychological distress, hospitalization, and death and, in the United States, costs billions of dollars each
Physical Abuse of the Elderly: The Medical Director’s Response
Authors Liao S, Mosqueda L. Abstract Many people think of physical abuse when the term “elder abuse” is used. Although it ranks behind neglect and emotional abuse as the third most common form of abuse, physical abuse cases are some of the most heinous.1 It is also the most common form of abuse that comes
State of the science on prevention of elder abuse and lessons learned from child abuse and domestic violence prevention: Toward a conceptual framework for research.
Authors Teresi JA, Burnes D, Skowron EA, Dutton MA, Mosqueda L, Lachs MS, Pillemer K. Abstract The goal of this review is to discuss the state of the science in elder abuse prevention. Findings from evidence-based programs to reduce elder abuse are discussed, drawing from findings and insights from evidence-based programs for child maltreatment and
Full-Thickness and Unstageable Pressure Injuries That Develop in Nursing Home Residents Despite Consistently Good Quality Care.
Authors Baker MW, Whitney JD, Lowe JR, Liao S, Zimmerman D, Mosqueda L. Purpose The purpose of this study was to determine whether stage 3, 4, and unstageable pressure injuries develop despite consistently good quality care (CGQC); ascertain whether these wounds occur without prior recognition of a lower-stage pressure injury; and to describe and analyze
Mild cognitive impairment is associated with poorer decision-making in community-based older persons.
Authors Han SD, Boyle PA, James BD, Yu L, Bennett DA Objective To test the hypothesis that mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is associated with poorer financial and healthcare decision-making. Design Community-based epidemiological cohort study. Setting Communities throughout northeastern Illinois. Participants Older persons without dementia from the Rush Memory and Aging Project (N = 730). Measurements
Age-Associated Financial Vulnerability: An Emerging Public Health Issue
Lachs MS, Han SD. Abstract Various processes common in the aging brain may affect an older adult’s ability to manage personal finances, the most recognized of which are dementing illnesses (1). These conditions can affect cognitive abilities, which may jeopardize an older adult’s financial well-being over their longitudinal course. However, recent studies suggest that even cognitively
Grey matter correlates of susceptibility to scams in community-dwelling older adults
Han, S.D., Boyle, P.A., Yu, L., Arfanakis, K., James, B.D., Fleischman, D.A., & Bennett, D.A. (2014). Grey matter correlates of susceptibility to scam in community-dwelling older adults. Brain Imaging and Behavior, in press. Abstract Susceptibility to scams is a significant issue among older adults, even among those with intact cognition. Age-related changes in brain macrostructure
Mild Cognitive Impairment and Susceptibility to Scams in Old Age
Han, S.D., Boyle, P.A., James, B.D., Yu, L., & Bennett, D.A. (2015). Mild cognitive impairment and susceptibility to scams in old age. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. 49: 845-851, 2016. Abstract BACKGROUND: Falling victim to financial scams can have a significant impact upon social and financial wellbeing and independence. A large proportion of scam victims are
The Forensic Lens: Bringing Elder Neglect Into Focus in the Emergency Department
DeLiema, M., Homeier, D. C., Anglin, D., Li, D., & Wilber, K. H. (2016). The Forensic Lens: Bringing Elder Neglect Into Focus in the Emergency Department. Annals of Emergency Medicine. Abstract We present 2 case studies of older patients who were brought to the emergency department (ED) in severely debilitated states. Both presented with severe
Variability in Findings From Adult Protective Services Investigations of Elder Abuse in California
Mosqueda, L., Wiglesworth, A., Moore, A. A., Nguyen, A., Gironda, M., & Gibbs, L. (2015). Variability in Findings From Adult Protective Services Investigations of Elder Abuse in California. Journal of evidence-informed social work, 1-11. Abstract: Adult Protective Services (APS) workers in California investigate complaints of elder abuse and must determine the validity of a complaint with
Protecting victims of elder financial exploitation: the role of an Elder Abuse Forensic Center in referring victims for conservatorship.
Gassoumis, Z. D., Navarro, A. E., & Wilber, K. H. (2015). Protecting victims of elder financial exploitation: the role of an Elder Abuse Forensic Center in referring victims for conservatorship. Aging & mental health, 19(9), 790-798. ABSTRACT: OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to examine the extent to which an Elder Abuse Forensic Center
Inside the black box: The case review process of an elder abuse forensic center.
Navarro, A. E., Wysong, J., DeLiema, M., Schwartz, E. L., Nichol, M. B., & Wilber, K. H. (2015). Inside the black box: The case review process of an elder abuse forensic center. The Gerontologist, gnv052. Abstract: OBJECTIVE: Preliminary evidence suggests that elder abuse forensic centers improve victim welfare by increasing necessary prosecutions and conservatorships and
Multicultural voices: Attitudes of older adults in the United States of America about elder mistreatment.
Enguidanos, S. M., DeLiema, M., Aguilar, I., Lambrinos, J., & Wilber, K. H. (2014). Multicultural voices: Attitudes of older adults in the United States of America about elder mistreatment. Ageing and society, 34(05), 877-903. Abstract: Despite international growth in policies to increase the identification and response to elder abuse and neglect, there remain considerable barriers
Tricks of the trade: Motivating sales agents to con older adults
DeLiema, M., Yon, Y., & Wilber, K. H. (2014). Tricks of the trade: Motivating sales agents to con older adults. The Gerontologist, gnu039. Abstract: PURPOSE OF THE STUDY: Financial fraud is estimated to cost consumers approximately $50 billion annually. To examine how new hires are trained to engage in fraud, this study analyzed a sales training
Neuropsychological profiles of victims of financial elder exploitation at the Los Angeles County Elder Abuse Forensic Center
Wood, S., Rakela, B., Liu, P. J., Navarro, A. E., Bernatz, S., Wilber, K. H., … & Homeier, D. (2014). Neuropsychological profiles of victims of financial elder exploitation at the Los Angeles County Elder Abuse Forensic Center. Journal of elder abuse & neglect, 26(4), 414-423. Abstract: The current article examines neuropsychological correlates of financial elder exploitation
Medical Implications of Elder Abuse and Neglect, An Issue of Clinics in Geriatric Medicine
Gibbs, L., & Mosqueda, L. (2014). Medical Implications of Elder Abuse and Neglect, An Issue of Clinics in Geriatric Medicine(Vol. 30, No. 4). Elsevier Health Sciences. Read more.
Injury patterns and causal mechanisms of bruising in physical elder abuse
Ziminski, C. E., Wiglesworth, A., Austin, R., Phillips, L. R., & Mosqueda, L. (2013). Injury patterns and causal mechanisms of bruising in physical elder abuse. Journal of forensic nursing, 9(2), 84-91. Abstract: The recognition of injury patterns can aid forensic nurses to identify victims of elder abuse. This study examined the mechanism of injury of bruises endured
Holding abusers accountable: An elder abuse forensic center increases criminal prosecution of financial exploitation
Navarro, A. E., Gassoumis, Z. D., & Wilber, K. H. (2013). Holding abusers accountable: An elder abuse forensic center increases criminal prosecution of financial exploitation. The Gerontologist, 53(2), 303-312. Abstract: PURPOSE: Despite growing awareness of elder abuse, cases are rarely prosecuted. The aim of this study was to examine the effectiveness of anelder abuse forensic center compared with usual
Determining prevalence and correlates of elder abuse using promotores: Low‐income immigrant latinos report high rates of abuse and neglect
DeLiema, M., Gassoumis, Z. D., Homeier, D. C., & Wilber, K. H. (2012). Determining prevalence and correlates of elder abuse using promotores: Low‐income immigrant latinos report high rates of abuse and neglect. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 60(7), 1333-1339. Abstract: Low-income Latino immigrants are understudied in elder abuse research. Limited English proficiency, economic insecurity, neighborhood seclusion,
Conceptual model and map of financial exploitation of older adults
Conrad, K. J., Iris, M., Ridings, J. W., Fairman, K. P., Rosen, A., & Wilber, K. H. (2011). Conceptual model and map of financial exploitation of older adults. Journal of elder abuse & neglect, 23(4), 304-325. Abstract: This article describes the processes and outcomes of three-dimensional concept mapping to conceptualize financial exploitation of older adults. Statements were
The prevalence of elder self-neglect in a community-dwelling population: hoarding, hygiene, and environmental hazards
Dong, X., Simon, M. A., Mosqueda, L., & Evans, D. A. (2011). The prevalence of elder self-neglect in a community-dwelling population: hoarding, hygiene, and environmental hazards. Journal of Aging and Health, 0898264311425597. Abstract: OBJECTIVE: To examine the prevalence of self-neglect and its specific behaviors in a community-dwelling population of older adults. METHOD: A population-based cohort study
Elder Abuse and Self-neglect: “I Don’t Care Anything About Going to the Doctor, to Be Honest….”
Mosqueda, L., & Dong, X. (2011). Elder Abuse and Self-neglect: “I Don’t Care Anything About Going to the Doctor, to Be Honest….”. JAMA, 306(5), 532-540. Abstract: Elder mistreatment encompasses a range of behaviors including emotional, financial, physical, and sexual abuse, neglect by other individuals, and self-neglect. This article discusses the range of elder mistreatment in community-living older
Screening for abuse and neglect of people with dementia
Wiglesworth, A., Mosqueda, L., Mulnard, R., Liao, S., Gibbs, L., & Fitzgerald, W. (2010). Screening for abuse and neglect of people with dementia. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 58(3), 493-500. Abstract: OBJECTIVE: To investigate characteristics of people with dementia and their caregivers (CGs) that are associated with mistreatment in order to inform clinicians about screening for
Vision for 2020
Giles, L., Brewer, E. T., Mosqueda, L., Huba, G. J., & Melchior, L. A. (2010). Vision for 2020. Journal of elder abuse & neglect, 22(3-4), 375-386. Abstract: This article reflects the collective thoughts of the 20 projects supported by the Archstone Foundation Elder Abuse and Neglect Initiative on offering a vision for improving the response system for
Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect. Introduction
Mosqueda, L. (2010). Introduction. Journal of elder abuse & neglect, 22(3-4), 219-220. Abstract: N/A Read more.
Self-report measure of financial exploitation of older adults
Conrad, K. J., Iris, M., Ridings, J. W., Langley, K., & Wilber, K. H. (2010). Self-report measure of financial exploitation of older adults. The Gerontologist, 50(6), 758-773. Abstract: PURPOSE: this study was designed to improve the measurement of financial exploitation (FE) by testing psychometric properties of the older adult financial exploitation measure (OAFEM), a client self-report instrument. DESIGN
Elder abuse forensic centers
Schneider, D. C., Mosqueda, L., Falk, E., & Huba, G. J. (2010). Elder abuse forensic centers. Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect, 22(3-4), 255-274. Abstract: This article describes the clinical work that three sets of geriatricians and psychologists provided in three elder abuse forensic centers in California. After a brief history of how the clinical services in
The center of excellence on elder abuse and neglect at the University of California, Irvine
Chen, E. A., Twomey, M. S., & Mosqueda, L. (2010). The center of excellence on elder abuse and neglect at the University of California, Irvine. Journal of elder abuse & neglect, 22(3-4), 247-254. Abstract: The Center of Excellence on Elder Abuse and Neglect at the University of California, Irvine, integrates the work of five discrete but
Geriatricians and psychologists: essential ingredients in the evaluation of elder abuse and neglect
Falk, E., Landsverk, E., Mosqueda, L., Olsen, B. J., Schneider, D. C., Bernatz, S., & Wood, S. (2010). Geriatricians and psychologists: essential ingredients in the evaluation of elder abuse and neglect. Journal of elder abuse & neglect, 22(3-4), 281-290. Abstract: This article describes the clinical work that three sets of geriatricians and psychologists provided in three elder
Do we really need another meeting? lessons from the Los Angeles County Elder Abuse Forensic Center
Navarro, A. E., Wilber, K. H., Yonashiro, J., & Homeier, D. C. (2010). Do we really need another meeting? lessons from the Los Angeles County Elder Abuse Forensic Center. The Gerontologist, 50(5), 702-711. Abstract: PURPOSE: Elder abuse cases are often time consuming and complex, requiring interagency cooperation from a diverse array of professionals. Although multidisciplinary teams (MDTs)
Bruising as a marker of physical elder abuse
Wiglesworth, A., Austin, R., Corona, M., Schneider, D., Liao, S., Gibbs, L., & Mosqueda, L. (2009). Bruising as a marker of physical elder abuse. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 57(7), 1191-1196. Abstract: OBJECTIVES: To describe bruising as a marker of physical elder abuse. DESIGN: Consenting older adults were examined to document location and size of
Consortium for Research in Elder Self‐Neglect of Texas Research: Advancing the Field for Practitioners
Mosqueda, L., Brandl, B., Otto, J., Stiegel, L., Thomas, R., & Heisler, C. (2008). Consortium for Research in Elder Self‐Neglect of Texas Research: Advancing the Field for Practitioners. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 56(s2), S276-S280. Abstract: An external advisory board consisting of members from the fields of geriatric internal medicine, family practice geriatrics, criminal prosecution, civil
Combating elder and dependent adult mistreatment: The role of the clinical psychologist
Wiglesworth, A., Kemp, B., & Mosqueda, L. (2008). Combating elder and dependent adult mistreatment: The role of the clinical psychologist. Journal of elder abuse & neglect, 20(3), 207-230. Abstract: Among the many different professionals who work to address elder and dependent adult mistreatment, the clinical psychologist performs a function that is not well documented. The experiences of
The importance of reporting mistreatment of the elderly
Gibbs, L. M., & Mosqueda, L. (2007). The importance of reporting mistreatment of the elderly. American family physician, 75(5), 628-628. Abstract: N/A Read More.
Findings from an elder abuse forensic center
Wiglesworth, A., Mosqueda, L., Burnight, K., Younglove, T., & Jeske, D. (2006). Findings from an elder abuse forensic center. The Gerontologist,46(2), 277-283. Abstract: PURPOSE: The first Elder Abuse Forensic Center (EAFC) in the United States was instituted in 2003. People from a variety of disciplines, including Adult Protective Services social workers, law enforcement, the district attorney’s
Elder financial abuse: An evaluation framework and supporting evidence
Kemp, B. J., & Mosqueda, L. A. (2005). Elder financial abuse: An evaluation framework and supporting evidence. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 53(7), 1123-1127. Abstract: OBJECTIVES: To develop a valid and reliable framework for evaluating cases of alleged elder financial abuse. DESIGN: Experienced experts in elder financial abuse rated a framework with eight elements. SETTING: Professionals
The life cycle of bruises in older adults
Mosqueda, L., Burnight, K., & Liao, S. (2005). The life cycle of bruises in older adults. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 53(8), 1339-1343. Abstract: OBJECTIVES: To summarize the occurrence, progression, and resolution of accidentally acquired bruises in a sample of adults aged 65 and older. The systematic documentation of accidentally occurring bruises in older adults could
Advancing the field of elder mistreatment: A new model for integration of social and medical services.
Mosqueda, L., Burnight, K., Liao, S., & Kemp, B. (2004). Advancing the field of elder mistreatment: A new model for integration of social and medical services. The Gerontologist, 44(5), 703-708. Abstract: PURPOSE: The purpose of this work is to describe the development and operation of a new model for integration of medical and social services. The Vulnerable
Four models of medical education about elder mistreatment
Heath, J. M., Dyer, C. B., Kerzner, L. J., Mosqueda, L., & Murphy, C. (2002). Four models of medical education about elder mistreatment.Academic Medicine, 77(11), 1101-1106. Abstract: The authors describe four models of incorporating elder-mistreatment curricular content and collaboration with adult protective service (APS) community service agencies into geriatrics medical education. Geriatrics education programs at four
Recognizing physical abuse and neglect in the skilled nursing facility: The physician’s responsibilities
Mosqueda, L., Heath, J., & Burnight, K. (2001). Recognizing physical abuse and neglect in the skilled nursing facility: The physician’s responsibilities. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 2(4), 183-186. Abstract: N/A Read More.