
Day One

Why is Elder Abuse Research so Hard? A Veteran of Both Science and Service shows off his battle scarsMark Lachs, M.D., M.P.H.

Trust, safety, and the social regulation of gene expression Steven Cole, PhD

Innovative Research Methods, Panel – Part 1

Vulnerability to financial scams: What can we learn from consumer fraud reports?Marti DeLiema, PhD

Neuroimaging of Financial Vulnerability in Old AgeDuke Han, PhD, ABPP-CN

Screening for Elder Abuse in the Emergency Department: Results from the Validation Phase of the ED Senior AID ToolTim Platts-Mills, MD, MSc

Elder Justice: Linking Research to Federal PoliciesBob Blancato, MPA

Innovative Research Methods, Panel – Part 2

Novel Approaches to Detecting EM in Emergency Medical Settings Part 1Brad Cannell, PhD, MPH

Novel Approaches to Detecting EM in Emergency Medical Settings Part 2Alexis Coulourides Kogan, PhD, MSG

Previewing EJI’s National Elder Abuse Victim Services Needs AssessmentSidney M. Stahl, PhD & Shelly L. Jackson, PhD

Elder Abuse in Long Term Care Facilities – A Multi-Method Study on Abuse and Neglect of Older Persons in Norwegian Nursing HomesWenche Malmedal, RN, MSc, PhD, FAAN

What do clients want? Early lessons on methodology, implementation, practice, and measurement from two ongoing studies of client-centered advocacy interventions ModeratorMT Connolly, JD & Julia Rowan, PhD & Stuart Lewis, MD, FACP & Bonnie Olsen, PhD

Symposium ClosingGeorgia Anetzberger, PhD, ACSW, FGSA

Day Two

The Legacy and Continuing Impact of Archstone Foundation’s Investment in the Field of Elder AbuseChristopher A. Langston, PhD

Measurement Outcomes of APS, Panel

APS process and system outcomes: Results from a national APS evaluationKarl Urban and Stephanie Whittier-Eliason, MSW

Telling the Story of Adult Protective Services through the Identification, Services, and Outcomes (ISO) MatrixPi-Ju (Marian) Liu, PhD