Dr. Yongjie Yon is a Technical Officer at the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Europe. He works in the area of Violence and Injury Prevention as well as Healthy Ageing. He supports the coordination of a number of programmatic topics including child maltreatment, road safety and child injury as well as age-friendly environments in Europe. Dr. Yon has conducted research examining abuse over the life course including elder abuse, violence against women and child maltreatment. He was a Doctoral Fellow with the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and received his PhD from the University of Southern California. Prior to WHO, Dr. Yon worked for the Federal Government of Canada as a Policy Analyst. Dr. Yon has published in leading journals on research relating to public health including ageism, elder abuse, child maltreatment, intergenerational relations, oral health, housing and health disparities.