
Tova Band Winterstein, PhD, is a professor at the Department of Gerontology, Faculty of Social Welfare & Health Sciences, University of Haifa, Israel. She is also the chairwoman of the Minerva Center on Intersectionality in Aging (MCIA). Her main area of research is elder abuse and neglect including self-neglect and intimate partner violence along the life course. 
She is an experienced qualitative researcher addressing issues of health, family and needs of the older adults from a life course perspective. 
During the last years she extended her field of scientific activities on marginalized older adults (e.g., families aging with disabilities, old age and crime, sexual assault in late life). Consistent with her work in this direction her recent interest in lifetime abuse as a conceptualization encompassing the experience of abuse over time, and the link between child abuse and elder abuse. She is publishing articles in Refereed Journals ,(80 articles in refereed journals),and wrote two scientific books: Band-Winterstein, T. (2008). Like a wounded pigeon: Life stories of old battered women. Jerusalem, Israel: Eshel. (177 pp.) (in Hebrew) and Band-Winterstein, T., & Eisikovits, Z. (2014). Intimate violence across the lifespan: Interpersonal, familial, and cross-generational perspectives. New York, NY: The Springer Series on Human Exceptionality (137 Pages). 

She can be contacted at: twinters@research.haifa.ac.il