
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) Week

Get ready for the National Weekend of Prayer and Action for Elder Justice (June 9th – 11th) and WEAAD Week (June 12th – 16th). Each day will bring new opportunities and resources for advocates and professionals to raise awareness of elder abuse and advance elder justice. 

Friday – Sunday, June 9th – 11th: WEAAD Weekend of Prayer and Action for Elder Justice   

The National Weekend of Prayer and Action for Elder Justice is a meaningful opportunity to honor older adults by coming together in prayer and action to raise awareness about elder abuse.  

Monday, June 12th: Interdisciplinary Partnerships  

Elder abuse is a global issue that demands a multifaceted response. The combined knowledge, tools, and strategies from multiple sectors, such as social services, law, medicine, psychology, finance, and law enforcement, can address the complexities of elder mistreatment and advance effective solutions. Together, we can develop multilevel interventions and supports to prevent and address mistreatment. 

  • Working together across disciplines can provide comprehensive support and solutions to elder mistreatment. #WEAAD 
  • Let’s use our unique skills and perspectives to collaboratively address and prevent elder abuse. #WEAAD 


Tuesday, June 13th: Intergenerational Collaboration  

Intergenerational collaboration is crucial to combat elder abuse. We can promote intergenerational interactions and prevent elder abuse by uniting people from different age groups through programs and initiatives such as volunteer opportunities, mentorship programs, and public education campaigns. Ageism (stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination towards others or oneself based on age) is associated with various, compounding harms for older adults, such as poorer medical and mental health outcomes, increased social isolation and loneliness, and elder mistreatment. Ageism also impacts society’s ability to detect and appropriately respond to elder abuse. Together, people of all ages can help build strong, connected, and supportive communities free from abuse, neglect, and exploitation.  

  • #Intergeneration collaboration is essential to combatting #ElderAbuse, and we all have a role to play. Let’s challenge ageism, promote understanding and respect across generations, and prevent elder abuse. #WEAAD
  • Together, we can build an inclusive and caring community that values and protects all members, regardless of age. #WEAAD 


Wednesday, June 14th: Intervention & Prevention  

Elder abuse is widespread, impacting one in 10 community-dwelling older adults in the U.S. each year. Yet, a majority of cases go unreported and unaddressed. The first step to preventing elder abuse is recognizing the red flags of abuse and knowing where to turn for help. Effective interventions require a coordinated, multidisciplinary approach and involve a range of strategies to prevent further mistreatment and reduce harms for those who have experienced abuse. Learn and share the warning signs, response resources, and strategies to reduce risk factors associated with elder mistreatment (such as social isolation) to keep everyone safe as we age.   

  • #ElderAbuse is a complex problem that requires coordinated, multidisciplinary responses. Together, we can develop and promote effective interventions to keep everyone safe as we age. #WEAAD 
  • Social isolation is a known risk factor for #ElderAbuse. Let’s create opportunities for people of all ages to build connections, stay engaged, and prevent #ElderAbuse. #WEAAD  


WEAAD, Thursday, June 15th: Intersectionality of Elder Abuse  

Elder abuse is a pervasive issue that knows no boundaries. Older adults of all abilities, ages, education levels, ethnicities, gender identities and sexual orientations, religious affiliations and spiritual beliefs, incomes, and other identities experience abuse, neglect, and exploitation. However, elder abuse does not happen uniformly across these domains; the way the identities we carry intersect and interact (e.g., immigrant, older adult, female) influences abuse experiences and help-seeking. For older adults from marginalized communities, the multiple, compounding forms of oppression and discrimination experienced across the lifespan, based on their layered identities, may create unique challenges to finding the help and support that is responsive to their needs. Elder abuse responses and prevention strategies should consider each individual’s needs and experiences and work toward addressing the systemic inequalities that contribute to abuse in the first place.  

  • #ElderAbuse is a pervasive issue that affects older adults across all identities. The intersecting identities we carry can influence abuse experiences and help-seeking. This #WEAAD, let’s commit to creating inclusive responses and prevention strategies that consider each survivor’s unique needs and experiences #WEAAD 
  • #ElderAbuse does not happen uniformly across identities. We must address the systemic inequalities that contribute to abuse and create challenges for older adults from marginalized backgrounds in finding help and support. #WEAAD 


Friday, June 16th: International Elder Justice Efforts  

Elder abuse affects around one in six community-dwelling adults worldwide and requires international collaboration and coordination to address it effectively. Countries have established national elder abuse hotlines, support networks, specialized law enforcement, and legal systems to address elder abuse. By sharing best practices and working together across borders, we can strengthen prevention efforts and achieve a global impact on elder justice.  

  • #ElderAbuse affects around one in six community-dwelling adults worldwide and requires international collaboration and coordination to address it effectively. Join us in fostering international partnerships for a better future in #ElderJustice. #WEAAD 
  • Elder abuse requires global attention and action. #WEAAD  
