Dr. Abujarad is an Associate Professor at Yale School of Medicine and the director of the Digital Health Lab. Dr. Abujarad primary research area applied and translational research around older adults focusing on elder mistreatment, long-term care, and the development of digital health solutions. He established the Digital Health Lab targeting digital health and utilizing digital health practices. His specific research interests revolve around elder mistreatment, informed consent, and systems that provide real-time background searches. His overarching aim is to apply his in-depth knowledge and methodological expertise to address major health disparities in vulnerable populations by developing technologies that optimize the human interface of digital systems. Currently, his research is focused on developing and testing elder mistreatment screening and identifications enhance the quality of care and patient safety. To this end, Dr. Abujarad received an R01 from NIA to developed and evaluate the elder abuse digital screening tool (VOICES), an intervention to prevent abuse and neglect and improve geriatric public health outcomes. Dr. Abujarad work was funded by multiple grants from NIH/NIA, AHRQ, RWJF, CMS, and the VA.